Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Standing Under A Joy Tree

My friend, chiropractor and spiritual healer instructed me to visualize and experience as much joy and balance as possible these next few weeks and to not believe everything that I think. These are things worthy of my time and effort. I will try my hardest to exist under a canopy of joy and only let in positive, healing energy. I have been spending way too much time in my head these past few months, obsessed with all of the details, worry and anxiety about surgery. Not believing everything I think -- being conscious and aware of my thoughts -- will help me experience the joy of it all.

I am choosing to believe that non-western interventions will help me as well. I started taking echinacea and goldenseal to give my immune system a boost so that I don't get sick right before surgery. And today I went to the Santa Monica Homeopathic Pharmacy and purchased Arnica Multiplex and Pain and Inflammation Multiplex. The Arnica Multiplex promotes healing and will be started 3 days pre-op. The Pain and Inflammtion Multiplex will be started post-op and is meant to decrease pain, swelling and bruising. I think that homeopathy is half about believing that it will work, so I am choosing to believe that these two multiplexes will help make for a smoother and less painful recovery. In this case, I guess I should believe what I think and let the negative thoughts go. Easier said than done, but it's sure worth trying.

1 comment:

  1. Some herbs can increase dangers during surgery. You may want to read this page:
    It doesn't sound like echinacea should be a problem for your kind of surgery, but it's still good to be aware of the info.
